The Beast Hook


WARNING: Spoilers Below

The Beast

Character Arc Avatars-07.png

Opening Scene(s) Refresher: Welcome to our other non-protagonist! I’m counting the first introduction to the Beast as the very opening scene, when we learn a spell has been cast upon him.

But how does her introduction accomplish the 8 important elements? Click on each of them below to find out!


The Beast wants to break his curse.

Normal World

We continue with the Beast at his castle after the curse. It is dark, lonely, and a reflection of the Beast himself.

  • What makes this unique to the Beast? Everything about the Beast's Normal World is unique to him. His curse. His castle. His Normal World changes when Belle enters it. She brings hope and color into his life.


The Beast's Ghost is his curse.

Internal Conflict

The Beast has a lot of Internal Conflict. He dislikes his circumstances and himself. He is lonely. He is stressed about the upcoming deadline to break his curse. He is conflicted as soon as Belle enters his life - the goodness in him immediately lights up when she offers herself in place of her father (more on this in the 1st Plot Point).

External Conflict

The curse is an obvious External Conflict. It is reflected in all of the Beast's actions and circumstances.

  • How does this introduce the Ghost? The Beast's Ghost is the curse.

Character Traits

Okay, I'm lowering the bar here because the Beast is an antagonist to Belle. Even so, there are some flickers of positive traits that help get us onto the Beast's side right from his first introduction.

  1. Ashamed - RELATABLE - We see the Beast's conflicted feelings when sending Belle's father away without letting her say goodbye, and when he sees her sadness. We've all done things that hurt other people and (hopefully) felt ashamed at the way our actions affected them at some point in our lives.

  2. Self-worth - ADMIRABLE - Our bar for the Beast starts pretty low, so when he is willing to give Belle a room at Lumiere's suggestion and informs her she is welcome anywhere in the castle, it's surprisingly admirable. Despite her making a deal to stay as a prisoner in her father's place, the Beast wants to be (somewhat) accomodating.

  3. Affected - LIKABLE - The Beast is touched when Belle offers herself in her father’s place. It is a likable quality when things affect others, whether positively or negatively.


The Theme of finding beauty within (what the Beast needs to do to complete his Character Arc) is said verbatim in the Hook.


The Beast wants to break his curse. The opening scene threatens this through his instantly combative relationship with the only person who may be able to help him achieve this.